

黄 韬 医疗总监/全科医生
Dr. Leo Huang Medical Director/General Practitioner

黄医生毕业于重庆医科大学,从事外科/全科的诊疗工作超过15年。曾就职于成都市第七人民医院,新加坡百汇医疗(Parkway health),维士达医疗(Vista Clinic),国际SOS等,拥有丰富的外科和全科的治疗经验与诊所管理经验。黄医生是美国和平队组织(Peace Corp)中国分队的特约医生,同时获得国际颁发的ACLS(高级生命支持)证书。
Dr. Huang graduated from Chongqing Medical University. He has worked for Chengdu No.7 Hospital, Parkway Health, Vista Clinic, International SOS for over 15 years with rich surgical and family medicine experience as well as clinic management experience. Dr. Huang is the Special Medical Officer of US Peace Corp in Chengdu and has obtained International Advanced Cardiac Life Support certificate as well.

Expertise: Family Medicine, Adult/Child Respiratory and GI Disease, Endocrine Disease, and Allergy etc.

Language: Mandarin, English, Sichuan Dialect

邴紫伊 内科医生/全科医生
Dr. Ziyi Bing Internist/General Practitioner

邴医生毕业于华西医科大学,曾就职于华西医科大学附属医院,成都市第一人民医院,和美国和平队(Peace Corps)医疗中心。有超过10+年的内科尤其是心内科的诊疗经验。
Dr. Bing graduated from West China University of Medical Sciences. She has worked for West China University of Medical Sciences and Peace Corps of United States. With over 10 years’ experience in internal medicine, especially in cardiology.

Expertise: Adult Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Cardiological Disease, and Gynecological Disease etc.

Language: Mandarin, English, Sichuan Dialect

闫国梁 中医科医生

Dr. Guoliang Yan TCM Doctor



Dr. Yan graduated from Guangzhou TCM University, TCM Master, specialized in Acupuncture and Massage. He has unique insights and abundance experiences in infantile massage, chiropractic and the treatment of bone and joint diseases. Especially specialized in combining acupuncture, Chinese Herbal, and regimen to improve the disorder of the human body environment and raise the immunity.



Expertise: Infantile Massage, Chiropractic and the treatment of bone and joint diseases (Pain in Neck, Shoulder, Waist, Leg and Knee), Sport Injury Rehabilitation, Sequela of Apoplexy, Office Syndrome and the treatment of sub-health status.



Language: Mandarin, English